Launches TCPA Resources Page for Debt Collection Industry

Today we are announcing the launch of the latest portal page designed to help the ARM industry navigate the current legal and regulatory environment: TCPA Resources. The TCPA Resources area joins our recently launched FDCPA and CFPB resources pages as one-stop shops that drill down on a specific compliance topic.

The new section features important decisions in court cases claiming violations of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, documentation from the law’s enforcement agency — the FCC — and the full text of the TCPA. We will be adding plenty more to the section in coming weeks, and if you have any suggestions, please let us know at

The TCPA presents a very tricky issue for debt collectors. The law was not written with debt collection in mind, rather, it targets telemarketing calls. But due to the fact that collectors use sophisticated telephony products, the industry has been ensnared in the requirements of the law.

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