If we had been on our game, we would have set up a video camera in our new office space to film our attempts at assembling IKEA furniture. That would have been the epitome of “Doing it Wrong.”

At one point I had screwed my sock to a bookcase. At another point, I may have cursed irrationally at a dowel. (Look: I have no idea if its mother and father were wed before its birth or not. I should not have made the worst of assumptions, though.)

But the same angel that protected me from having my first karaoke attempt captured on video forever (it was “Ode to Billy Joe” and that song has a lot of words you guys) is the same angel that protects my fiction of a handyman.

Instead, we bring you this:


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It’s an ad for what might be a book? Maybe? I thought it was a beer commercial, or an ad for fruit-flavored gum that wants you to “take a sniff” before “pulling it out.”

It’s only :50 — and :20 of it is spent in the ramp-up before we get to the money shot at the half-way point:


Well, of course he has. I remember how on-the-brink we all were before sassy here did…something…involving credit cards and CapitalOne and Legal Recovery Law Offices that made life possible for the rest of us.

Except I actually really don’t. To be fair, though, I ate a lot of paste in elementary school and my mom let us have saccharine.

The video is poorly conceived with blurry legal documents that don’t tell me much of anything. Reading the information on the YouTube page tells me I can buy the dude’s 187-page book for $14.99 (or roughly $12.00 a page). He does give a third-person caveat that “-He is only showing how he beat Capital One and is not a lawyer or giving legal advice, nor guarantees a outcome for you.”

He also goes on to say, “He is a true consumer Hero” — which I guess explains all the parades lately.

Anyway. Today we unpack our items and set up our desks and I hope to Bob that no one notices that my sock is still attached to my bookcase.

Next Article: First Financial Asset Management Deploys Debt Collection ...
