Overland Park, KS — The CollectionTree.com Affiliate Program was officially launched on August 26, 2010, which provides businesses the opportunity to earn commission rates for referring others to the site. Members of the program are accepted through a simple application process and then asked to place a CollectionTree.com logo on their website. The logo links to a sign up page for new CollectionTree.com users.

CollectionTree.com is an online resource that works by matching businesses with the best collection agencies to collect from their non-paying customers. Their primary market consists of small business owners and managers who are looking for a more effective and inexpensive way to recover bad debt. Since all collection agencies have different strengths, CollectionTree.com analyzes them against client attributes to form successful matches.

The new affiliate program works by recording everyone who arrives at CollectionTree.com via a referral logo on an affiliate’s page. Each visitor who signs up and places debt is then tracked, and a percentage of the collected amount is given to the affiliate. The specific percentage awarded to an affiliate is dependent on the specific collection details of the client referred.

“We hope this new program will get the word out that people don’t have to find a collection agency by themselves,” said CollectionTree.com Founder, Ryan Neuweg. “Since we’re experts in the collections industry, our technology can help business owners collect from non-paying customers faster.”

The application process is open to anyone and applicants will usually hear about their status as affiliates within a week. For those who are accepted as affiliates, CollectionTree.com will provide all help necessary to place the referral logo on their websites. CollectionTree.com Customer Service will also be available for any potential questions from clients referred by affiliates.



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