Jacksonville, FL authorities are becoming pretty harsh on debt collection agencies, according to a story running in The Florida Times-Union today.

Since 2004, the state’s Attorney General’s office has opened three investigations of Jacksonville-based debt collection businesses, including collection agency Ellis Crosby & Associates on accusations the company threatened consumers with arrest if they didn’t pay overdue loans.

The article points out that in 2006, coincidentally — or not — during the Ellis Crosby investigation, complaints against debt collectors dropped.  If one had to hazard a guess, it might be because so much attention was focused on the collection industry in that area that agencies were especially vigilant about alleged infractions against Florida law and the FDCPA.

However, the article points out, complaints against collection agencies are back on the rise.

"Most companies are doing a good job, but there are a handful of bad apples," said state Sen. Victor Crist, R-Tampa.

Crist has tried to win approval of legislation that would give more power to the state Office of Financial Regulation in investigating complaints about debt collectors, and add requirements for businesses to get state registration. He said he intends push again for the bill, possibly in the 2008 session.

The full article can be read here.

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