Credit Eco To Go: 2021 Financial Services Priorities: Fairness and Equality

Editor's note: This podcast episode is provided through an exclusive industry partnership between insideARM and Clark Hill, PLCPodcast host Joann Needleman, a leading financial services attorney and member of the iA Legal Advisory Board, provides bite-sized hot topics in the consumer finance space. ClarkHIll content—and all insideARM articles—are protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. 


Show Notes:

Kevin Kelly, leader of Clark Hill’s Government and Regulatory Affairs Group stops by Credit Eco to Go to discuss the changes in Washington and what financial services entities need to do to prepare for the days ahead. Kevin tells us that the priorities for the Biden Administration will be focusing, among other things, on the economic crisis and passing COVID relief in the form of direct stimulus as well as housing and rental assistance. However, the financial services executive branch agencies will be bringing a fundamentally different approach, focusing more on a populist agenda. With support from Sherrod Brown, who now will Chair the Senate Banking Committee, and Maxine Waters retaining her status as Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee, access to credit for underserved people and ensuring fairness and equity in the financial system will drive their agendas. Look for policies that will reflect “recovery for all” and initiatives that ensure the financial services industry is working for everyone.

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