Alliance Collection Service, Inc. Celebrates 20 Years

Tupelo, Miss. based collection agency Alliance Collection Service, Inc. is celebrating twenty years of business during the month of March, 2015.

Alliance Collection Service, Inc. was founded by Jeff Chambers in 1995 with the idea that the collection of bad debt could be accomplished in a much better way. Historically, some collection agencies used somewhat intimidating tactics to collect bad debt which gave the industry a bad reputation.  Jeff believed that treating people with respect and dignity would ultimately produce better results for clients and provide a better experience for consumers.  History has shown us that he was right.

From humble beginnings in New Albany, Chambers has seen his idea grow into a leading collection agency, winning multiple awards over the years including “Best Places to Work in Collections” four years in a row.  Today the company employs over twenty five people from North Mississippi and continues to show very strong growth.  They use that growth to help the community in many ways.

In addition to founding The Shepherd’s Hands Charity which has helped to fund organizations that serve women and children at risk in North Mississippi for over twelve years, Alliance has expanded its role in the community to helping consumers better understand financial challenges and this year will award an area senior with a five hundred dollar scholarship.

The scholarship will be awarded to a North Mississippi student that submits a winning essay on “The benefits of financial literacy in today’s economy”.  Alliance COO, Tony Palmer, is very proud to oversee this project and hopes to make this an annual event.

From  one desk in a small store front office in New Albany, to Varsity Drive and West Main Street in Tupelo, to their current location at 600 West Main Street in Tupelo, Alliance continues to grow and serve North Mississippi and many other states in positive ways.

Alliance Collection Service, Inc. would like to thank the community and its businesses for helping them to change the face of the collection industry for the better.  Without clients that care about their public image and employees that care about their own community, Alliance would not be as successful as it is today.