California Collectors Amend Bylaws to Allow Choice of ACA Membership

The California Association of Collectors will allow its members to decide whether they want to be members of ACA International – a decision that may affect its state unit status and entice other ACA state units to follow suit.

The unanimous vote came last week during CAC’s annual Legal and Legislative Conference in Sacramento – and has as much, if not more, to do with economic pressures as a membership discontent with some of ACA’s recent actions (“Significant Actions Taken at CAC’s 2010 Legal and Legislative Conference,” April 23).

“There’s an economic end to this and as an executive body this is member driven,” said Brian Davis, president of CAC Inc. and Coast Professional, a firm specializing in education receivables. “This simply is allowing members a choice as we reviewed ACA bylaws. The vast majority of CAC members are still committed and proud members of ACA International despite any past disagreements in philosophy and approach to various issues.”

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