Our mission here at insideARM is to shift the conversation. From media attention to regulators to those awkward moments at parties where people say, “And what is it you do?” — collectors and collection agency owners can find themselves in tough positions on the Likability Scale. It’s a job that’s easily maligned, often misunderstood, and, frankly, necessary in a society that has decided on Capitalism as its beacon in the night.

(No judgment, Capitalists.)

I want to draw your attention primarily to the word conversation. Especially because what I REALLY want to talk about is how we can communicate with each other in the comments section of the various articles you read here on insideARM.

First and foremost: bless you all for reading our site and taking the time to comment on stories that engage your passion. It’s nice to have a theory corroborated. It’s important to have a thesis challenged. It’s great to have an engaged readership because otherwise we’re just sending words into the ether.

When it comes to commenting, though, here’s the thing: sometimes some of you are somewhat less than cordial. And I get it: you’ve read something that we’ve written that’s made you angry. Or you’ve read the response of someone who has said something that’s made you angry. The point is, you’re angry and you have a keyboard and typing skills and before you know it, you’ve committed your Angry Self to being that guy.

What we want to see more of on insideARM is an engaged readership that’s respectful of differing opinions. That can read an article, and comment on the article. Not on the personalities of the other readers/commenters. Because that gets you nowhere except in an argument on the Internet, which is the second dumbest place to have that kind of argument after the one time I argued with a security guard at a museum about their water bottle policy. (Spoiler Alert: I did not win.)

The comments section of articles on insideARM are for talking about the article. You can argue with the thesis of the article. You can politely correct us. But try not to antagonize each other. We thrive on your comments; we’d rather not have to delete posts because they engage in name-calling or personal attacks.

Any questions or concerns about this policy, feel free to give the comments section here a try. Or you can email us at editor@insideARM.com.

Next Article: NRA Group, LLC, Named to Central Penn ...
