Tennessee Economic and Community Development Commissioner Bill Hagerty Monday joined with city officials from Hendersonville, Tenn. and Sumner County to announce the decision by Windham Professionals to build a new regional headquarters in the Indian Lake Development in Hendersonville, a suburb of Nashville. The project calls for the creation of 24,000 square feet of new, Class A office space to house the 29-year old account services company.

Windham specializes in account collections for institutions of higher education, guaranty agencies, commercial, consumer, government and health care accounts. The announcement will result in the creation of more than 100 new jobs, bringing the company’s total employment in Hendersonville to more than 300.

“This announcement reaffirms our commitment to Hendersonville,” said Ed Sheehan, executive vice president, Windham Professionals. “The outstanding teamwork between the state, the city, TVA and Forward Sumner made a strong case for growing here and even though we had opportunities to expand elsewhere, Hendersonville is the right place for this expansion.”

“I’m pleased Windham has decided to invest in Tennessee and grow its employee base here,” said Commissioner Hagerty. “Governor Haslam’s Jobs4TN plan places a renewed focus on existing Tennessee companies and acknowledges their potential for growing our state’s economy. Our partnership with Forward Sumner has paid dividends.”

“Windham’s announcement allows the company to become one of the largest employers in the city of Hendersonville,” said Hendersonville Mayor Scott Foster. “This demonstrates the importance we place on serving our existing business base as part of our sustainable economic development strategy.”

“Corporate office expansion is a key target for our community,” said Don Long, director of economic development, City of Hendersonville.” This announcement from an excelling corporate citizen is a success for our city and we’re pleased Windham is growing here.”

“We’re pleased to have been able to play a role in making this project happen,” said John Bradley, senior vice president, Tennessee Valley Authority. “Working with our local distributors to grow Tennessee’s economy is part of our core mission.”

“The opportunity to work with our partners at the state and local level is a key to our success,” said J.D. Elliott, chairman of the board, Forward Sumner. “We have a great story to tell in Sumner County and we’ll continue to work together to show what a great place Sumner County is to grow and invest.”

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