Editor’s Note: Collections Marketing Center, Inc. (CMC) and Bridgeforce, Inc. issued separate press releases late Thursday in response to an announcement from Apollo Enterprise Solutions that ran yesterday on insideARM.com. The combined text of the press releases follows.

Collections Marketing Center, Inc. (CMC), wishes to set the record straight.  While the recent press release from Apollo Enterprise Solutions (Apollo) offers a clever spin, the fact is that CMC sought a declaratory judgment action against Apollo the day the subject patent issued, seeking to declare such patent invalid and confirm prior legal advice that we do not infringe.  Since that time, we have let their attorneys view our product in good faith to show that we do not infringe.  This is their response?  We are outraged by the baseless allegations and look forward to prevailing in court.

Bridgeforce Inc. (Bridgeforce) stands by Collections Marketing Center, Inc. (CMC).  We joined with CMC, a now independent company we founded years ago, in seeking to have the patent of Apollo Enterprise Solutions (Apollo) declared invalid and non-infringement confirmed.  We are outraged that Apollo has counterclaimed against both CMC and Bridgeforce and fully expect to prevail in court and have the courts award us our full costs and fees incurred.

About Collections Marketing Center, Inc.
Collections Marketing Center, Inc. (CMC) pioneered the industry’s first completely virtual, adaptive collections platform providing comprehensive self-service strategies geared toward all types of accountholders spanning credit cards, mortgage and home equity loans, student loans, phone and utility bill payments. The FlexCollect® platform combines advanced decisioning technology, a marketing focus and responsiveness to changing consumer behavior to optimize results for creditors in their credit risk, default management and loss mitigation operations. For more information, visit www.cmcagile.com or call (302) 230-9262.

About Bridgeforce
Bridgeforce is an internationally respected leader in evaluating and managing every aspect of lending and payments.  Our team consists of experienced managers with expert knowledge of how strategy + operations + technologies combine to impact the credit life cycle.

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