Ottawa, KS — National Recovery Service (NRS) helps local MGA raise finances and awareness.  Myasthenia Gravis (grave muscle disease) is a debilitating auto immune disease. 

National Recovery Service president and CEO Brad DeKraai helped to sponsor the annual walk both for 2009 and 2010 to support employee and co-founder of the Association, Brandi Armstrong. 

It is clear that Brandi is committed to the association as she recalls: 

“A few weeks after our 1st meeting in 2008, Terry passed away from complications due to MG.  Her daughters and I talked and they asked me to continue the support group; which I was proud to do.  I talked to the group about starting the 1st annual MG Walk for Awareness in memory of Terry Ward in 2009.  It would be held in June which is MG Awareness month.”

Many NRS employees also supported and attended the walk.   Donations from this year’s event totaled $10,000; that is more than twice the amount raised the previous year.



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