In the third installment of Kaulkin Ginsberg Company’s “Talking M&A Series”, CEO Mike Ginsberg and Director Mark Russell continue to discuss a host of emerging trends in the ARM industry, further perspectives on collection industry deals that got done in the last year, and where the industry appears to be headed in the coming months.

This segment focuses on what is currently motivating buyers looking to acquire businesses in the ARM space.

Kaulkin Ginsberg is the leading source of M&A, strategic advice, and timely information for outsourced business services companies since 1989. The firm has completed over 130 transactions representing in excess of $3 billion in shareholder value for a variety of clients – from small family businesses to Fortune 500 companies. In 2011 Kaulkin Ginsberg is celebrating twenty years in the ARM industry.

Next Article: State Lawmakers Pass Bill on Collection Garnishment
