Increase right-party contact with Phone Number ID™ [sponsored]

terovesalainen / Adobestock

Third-party debt collectors and collection agencies have a tough balancing act to perform. They need to optimize their outbound communications and right-party contacts (RPCs) but must do so within the confines of strict regulations. Effectively reaching debtors can be difficult when facing a sea of internal and external pressures. You don't want to expend too many resources on a wrong number, but you don't want to give up on a good number too soon. With dedicated RPC tools, you can streamline your processes, transforming a difficult task into a manageable one. 

Phone Number ID™ by Experian helps increase RPC rates and optimize skip tracing by scoring customer phone numbers at the beginning of the debt cycle. This tool works within the confines of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), providing you with a quality scrub that's easy to use. 

Collection agencies and debt collectors face a number of challenges unique to their industry

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