The results are in from LiquidEdge’s June ARM Industry Poll. The results reveal what percentage of the debt collection industry is using text messaging as part of their overall collection strategy.

Exactly 80 percent of respondents to LiquidEdge’s June ARM Industry Poll say that text messaging is or will be part of their overall collection strategy. Only 20 percent say they are not and have not yet received permission from debtors.

Has your company integrated text messaging into your overall collection strategy?

Yes – With Opt-in Permission 40%
No – We Have Not Yet Received Persmission from Debtors 20%
Soon – We’ve Seen Some Positive Results on Tests We’ve Run 40%

What does the poll tell us?

This poll indicates that 80 percent of the industry is currently using text messaging as part of their overall collection strategy. This means that the industry is open to leveraging mobile and text messaging solutions to be more efficient and productive. New technologies will continue to play and important role in collections and will enable collectors to use multiple channels to collect debt.

LiquidEdge has developed CollectMobile an auto dialer for text messaging. This exciting new product enables lenders, collection agencies, and debt buyers communicate in the preferred method of your clients. Response and contact rates greatly exceed dial, email, and lettering.

Your opinion is important; participate in our monthly LiquidEdge ARM Industry Poll.

Next Article: Medical Debt Collection: an Emergency Physician's Perspective
