On October 21, 2010, Attorney Edwin A. “Ned” Abrahamsen, and his wife, Mary Ann, received the Attorney Robert W. Munley Distinguished Service Award from the Lackawanna Pro Bono, Inc., Scranton, Pennsylvania.

Lackawanna Pro Bono is a  non-profit corporation that connects volunteer lawyers with clients who reside in households whose gross incomes do not exceed 125 percent of federal poverty guidelines.  These volunteer lawyers handle a broad spectrum of civil cases including landlord-tenant, unemployment compensation, family law and other serious civil matters.  Since its founding in 1997, Lackawanna Pro Bono, has obtained pro bono attorneys for over 1,500 cases.

Ned and Mary Ann have been previously honored for their commitment to pro bono work by the Pennsylvania Bar Association and the Lackawanna County Bar Association.

Ned is the president of the Law Office of Edwin A. Abrahamsen & Associates, P.C., Scranton, Pennsylvania, a law firm specializing in representing credit grantors and debt purchasers and is a member of the National Association of Retail Collection Attorneys (NARCA).  Ned is also the chairman of Commonwealth Financial Systems, Inc., a full service account receivable management company based in Scranton, Pennsylvania and is a member of the American Collectors Association (ACA).

If you have questions or wish for additional information, please call Michael Ratchford at 570-558-5510 ext 101


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