CareMedic Systems, Inc. announces the release of the first ever, fully integrated revenue cycle performance management dashboard. CareMedic’s Web-based dashboard is integrated with its AccelerateAR™ MedicareRT™ solution to provide users with clear, crisp, accurate measurements of performance and profitability.

“The dashboard complements our industry-leading Medicare real-time direct entry solution to deliver personalized views, customizable alerts, dynamic drill-down, trending and data analysis. We are very excited about this new offering and the value it will bring to our customers,” notes Sheila Schweitzer, chairperson and CEO of CareMedic Systems.

The CareMedic performance management dashboard is a comprehensive decision support tool designed to gather and analyze data from the MedicareRT system and create key performance indicators (KPIs). Using a combination of analytical tools, data aggregation methods and personalized views, the dashboard provides valuable information that enables more effective revenue cycle management at every level. The solution includes standard CFO, patient financial services manager and billing manager views designed around those roles and responsibilities. Each user can further personalize the views according to individual preferences and priorities.

“Having quick access to targeted information will help our customers save time, improve productivity and accountability, and reduce management surprises,” adds Schweitzer.

KPIs for the MedicareRT dashboard include items that must be monitored every day, such as denial rates and dollars, AR aging, days in AR, daily revenue and the amount and number of unbilled claims.

“With the new performance dashboard, we can quickly and efficiently monitor key performance indicators within our revenue cycle to minimize reporting, data reconciliation and validation—which results in immediate enhancement of cash collections,” says Debbie Messina, manager of patient accounts at The Stamford Hospital, a beta site for the dashboard technology. “We are extremely pleased and excited to have this advanced management tool at our fingertips.”

CareMedic will soon launch performance dashboards for its AccelerateAR Claims Management, SecondaryGold™ and electronic Financial Record™ applications.

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