Appellate Courts Hold Typical Collection Letters Violate FDCPA
Get Sued If You Do . . . Get Sued If You Don't: The Debt Collector's Conundrum
Debt Collectors Flooded with Mass-Produced Requests for Validation
Overcoming the Two Biggest Challenges Facing the Collection Industry
Big Mistake! Three Compliance Risks Collectors Overlook
Check by Phone Payments Still Cause Legal Headaches for Debt Collectors
Radical State Law Changes Constrict Collections in New York, Illinois and Maine
Another Reason For Collectors To Be Cautious When Calling Consumer Cell Phones
What Debt Collectors Really Need To Know About the FCC Order and the TCPA
Is It Illegal to Charge Credit Card Convenience Fees?
Debt Collection Drill: Common Sense Prevails in West Virginia?
ARM Firms Should Assess Multidistrict Litigation for Simultaneous FDCPA and TCPA Cases
Court Expands FDCPA's "Least Sophisticated" Standard to Include Attorneys
Is There a "Silver Bullet" for Defeating FDCPA and TCPA Claims?
New York Debt Regulations Create Chaos
Defeat Claims That Your Envelopes Violate the FDCPA
Can Debt Collectors Legally Charge Interest?
CFPB Civil Investigative Demands Scorch Debt Collection Industry
Avoid the Three Biggest Threats Facing the Debt Industry
"Frequent Filer" FDCPA Cases Defeated With Trifecta of Victories