We are incredibly excited to announce the newest insideARM initiative. It’s close to our hearts, and way past due — Women in Consumer Finance — a conference that will bring women of all levels and from a wide range of organizations together to have an amazing shared experience. We’ve each shared our personal thoughts below about why this event and why now.
Amy Perkins, Chief of Content & Industry Intelligence, insideARM, and Conference Chair
Every woman’s professional journey is unique, but if you’ve had honest conversations with your colleagues, you know that we are more alike than different. We really do have common views and experiences when it comes to financial services work and workplace culture.
What’s missing from our industry is an event organized around this point-of-view. I know that I want to meet with other women who share my experiences — women who have so much great expertise to share, who want to get to know one another better, advance their careers and, as they do, improve workplace culture for everyone. And I’ll bet that you do, too.
That’s why we decided to create the Women in Consumer Finance conference. Our goal is to give women from across our industry a dedicated event just for professional women, an event that combines our individual experience into collective strength. The event we have planned will help women build stronger networks, sharpen leadership skills and provide all of us with the tools we all need to improve our industry from within.
Are you nodding your head right now? Well, then you’re the kind of person we need at the Women in Consumer Finance conference. You owe it to yourself to come. You also owe it to your peers, your mentors and mentees and all the women you’ve come across in your professional life. Register today.
Stephanie Eidelman, CEO of insideARM & The iA Institute
It feels like everything I’ve done before has led me to this point. This will not be a conference about compliance or best practices, but about women; about the common professional challenges we face, about how to tell our own career story, and about building our network.
I’ve had several pretty distinct careers across a wide variety of industries. I have often found myself to be the only woman in a room, or one of just a few. As I think back on my career, I realize that nobody has ever really taken me under their wing, or been a champion for me. I regret that. Maybe it was my issue; maybe it was the environments I’ve been in. Nonetheless, I am where I am, and I – like you – have a story to share.
This event is not about calling men out, but rather calling women up.
I hope you’ll join me and Amy in Baltimore this December and get a last boost of professional energy just before the New Year!
Click here to learn more about the conference, to register, and to get involved.