ConServe Supports Local Adopt-A-Highway Cleanup

Rochester, N.Y. – Continental Service Group, Inc., d.b.a. ConServe, recently “adopted” a stretch of highway to keep clean in their local community as part of the Adopt-A-Highway program. The program allows businesses, civic and neighborhood organizations, even families, to “adopt” a stretch of roadway to maintain, usually for two years, and thereby foster a sense of pride. Work includes picking up trash and raking….even planting flowers. ConServe employees are actively involved in the effort and ConServe has committed to keeping the highway free of liter and debris from the intersection of Routes 96 and 31F to the intersection of Main Street and Route 31F in East Rochester, N.Y.

At ConServe, the Cleanup initiative begins with preliminary safety meetings to review safety guidelines and cleanup protocol. Sporting gloves, hard hats, safety vests and garbage bags, participating employees are treated to a company-sponsored catered lunch following their efforts on a designated Saturday morning. Repeat cleanup events are held several times per year, on the same stretch of adopted highway, to promote community involvement among employees and to beautify the local area.

“As part of the ConServe mission, we are dedicated to improving the human condition” states George M. Huyler, V.P. Human Resources at ConServe. According to Huyler, “ConServe employees support this commitment in their daily work, their personal lives, and in the philanthropic efforts that they champion.” Huyler continues “by being an active and engaged member of our local community, in addition to establishing and cultivating relationships with our neighbors, ConServe and its employees are able to give back and make a difference.”

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