In Case You Missed It — Healthcare Daily Digest for Thursday, 10 January

Look, you know fast food isn’t the best thing for you. You don’t need me telling you that. I get it, you get it, and sure, yes, road trips and McNuggets are the Shields & Yarnell (young people, find an adult to explain the video to you) of this whole situation (i.e.: perfect together).

I also understand that running a business, like, say, a fast food franchise, where you employ human beings to do things — things you, as the business owner either can’t do, because there’s only one of you; or don’t want to do, because I know I’m not touching that shake maker — is expensive.

Maybe what I don’t understand is cutting the hours of your employees to just below the minimum number so you don’t have to pay their health insurance. And it’s complicated, and not entirely the fault of the franchise owners; things aren’t helped by stuff like this: “California’s insurance commissioner just dinged Anthem Blue Cross for inflating its own cost estimates and improperly tacking on healthcare law fees, and sticking its small-business clients with an 11% hike.”

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