The deadline for Reg F implementation is just days away. If you are tasked with Reg F implementation and you are not quite ready, this document is for you.
This Reg F Roadmap (from insideARM and iA Research Assistant) will help you plan a quick, effective Reg F implementation in a very short timeframe. It includes:
- A detailed, plain-language description of each topic within the rule;
- Every major subsection of the rule ranked in order of deadline importance;
- A clear discussion on how to incorporate the rules into your specific processes; and
- A bottom-line assessment for how you should approach each aspect of Reg F right now, just days away from the deadline, whether you work for an agency, law firm, or creditor.
With this roadmap you can quickly prioritize, make a new plan, and ensure you get the most important work done first. The deadline is coming up fast. You can't wait on this.
Want this report for free? Get it for free - and get the insight you need to ace your Reg F implementation - when you subscribe to Research Assistant (from insideARM) - a source for practical compliance guidance and discussion for the collections industry. Learn more.