Medicare will endure a $10 billion cut in 2015 while Medicaid will receive a reduction of nearly $19 billion, based on President Barack Obama’s proposed budget for Health and Human...
Medicare continues to slice into margins for the nation’s hospitals and physicians, while at the same time shifting more costs onto beneficiaries. Medicare Payment Advisory Commission’s annual report to Congress,...
You knew it was too good to be true. The so-called “Doc-Fix” compromise in Congress has collapsed, almost guaranteeing that healthcare providers will once again be required to endure more...
March 13, 2014 by Evan J. Albright in Medical Debt
Now is the time to get your comments in on proposed penalties on not-for-profit hospitals that violate regulations under Internal Revenue Services 501(r) regulations. Healthcare providers and other interested parties...
Don’t say you weren’t warned. The next few years will continue to be rocky ones for healthcare providers, thanks in no small part to developing trends in Medicare (and Medicaid)....
This is the second of two parts dealing with compliance and your partners. You can read part one, “Compliance and Your Partners: Is Everyone Doing Their Part?” by clicking here....
February 21, 2014 by Roberta Schultz in Medical Debt
This is part one of a two-part article on compliance and your partners. You can find a link to part two, “The Two Pillars of Compliance,” at the end of...
February 16, 2014 by Evan J. Albright in Medical Debt
Last week’s announcement by the U.S. Department of Treasury that the employer health insurance mandate will be postponed–again–means healthcare providers will have to wait another year before get paid. Under...
February 11, 2014 by Jeffrey Hearn in Medical Debt
Derek Stein,RevSpring Employing point-of-service collections can be a drastic cultural shift for healthcare organizations. Even the word “collections” remains taboo in some segments of the healthcare industry. But in light...
April Wilson, RevSpring On January 13, 2014, the IRS released another memo about 501(r) for not-for-profit hospitals entitled “Notice 2014-3.” The purpose of this notice is to give tax-exempt hospitals...
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