Caller Identity: Vetted, Verified, Branded, Displayed

Cross-industry team completes the first standards-based wireless call to combine authenticated Caller ID and Rich Call Data

MCLEAN, Va. — Numeracle announced today another key milestone in protecting consumers from illegal robocalls while making Caller ID even more trusted. In a recent history-making successful collaboration amongst industry leaders, T-Mobile and Partners Completed the First-Ever Wireless Call with Rich Call Data.

In support of empowering T-Mobile subscribers with more trusted information to be used in identifying wanted calls, technology companies, messaging industry stakeholders and voice service providers including First OrionCTIAEverbridgeiconectivNetNumberNumeracle, and Twilio completed what is believed to be the first ever mobile call to combine authenticated Caller ID and Rich Call Data (RCD), powered by the STIR/SHAKEN framework and protocols, terminating on the T-Mobile wireless network.

In this collaboration, onboarding for the enterprise began via the Numeracle Entity Identity Management™ Platform. Numeracle completed entity vetting and validation to establish the Verified Identity™ status of the brand. Verified Identity was established via a compliance-based, know your customer (KYC) and customer due diligence process used to validate the business identity and calling competency in support of the STIR/SHAKEN call authentication framework.

The Numeracle platform was also utilized to collect, receive brand approval of, and associate RCD elements such as caller name and logo to the Verified Identity’s phone numbers for enhanced display to the end user. 

For a quick intro to RCD, how it enables mobile users to know exactly who is calling and why, and how it differs from traditional Caller ID (CNAM) technology check out our video: “Utilizing RCD Technology to Display Verified Brand Identity.”


“The ability to deliver RCD to mobile devices is a key tool in the battle against scammers as it increases consumer trust in knowing who is calling them and why. This proof-of-concept shows that by working together as an industry we can make sure that legal, critical, and wanted calls are delivered with a high level of consumer confidence.” – Abdul Saad, CTO of T-Mobile

A tremendous amount of effort across the proof of concept participants went into defining the roles across the group, architecting the validation processes and touch points, implementing the technology via multiple integrations, and successfully demonstrating the end-to-end proof of concept. As the verified call traveled across technology participants to terminate on a T-Mobile handset, the enhanced display demonstrated was thanks to First Orion’s RCD technology.

“Imagine a future where all phone calls will be delivered with RCD providing complete transparency and protection in every call for every consumer, enhancing the way businesses connect with their customers. Working with T-Mobile and other industry leaders to deliver this first-ever mobile call with RCD and authenticated Caller ID is an important step in making Enhanced Caller Identity a reality.” – Jeff Stalnaker, President and Founder of First Orion

Addressing the growing problem of lack of trust in answering unknown calls, or missed opportunities to connect due to call blocking or negative labeling across the wireless network, Numeracle was thrilled to collaborate across this group of technology providers on an actionable solution to make it more difficult for bad actors to access the network, and more effortless for trusted brands to connect with called parties.

“Extending an instantly recognizable, branded presence for enterprises verified through Numeracle’s Entity Identity Management platform is a tremendous step forward in returning trust to incoming calls. We look forward to continuing the success demonstrated within this proof of concept in returning control of brand presentation to the enterprise and improving ease of identity management within this complex ecosystem.” – Rebekah Johnson, Founder & CEO of Numeracle

For more details on the history-making call completed on T-Mobile’s voice network using First Orion technology, interfacing with EverbridgeNetNumberNumeracle, and Twilio, check out the news release:

To learn how to enhance your Verified Calling Identity via the RCD technologies made available through our branding partner network, check out our branded calling landing page, or contact Numeracle today.