KM² Solutions joins the GISC, Advancing Socially Responsible Hiring Practices and Sustainability in Challenged Regions

NEW YORK, N.Y. -- KM² Solutions is proud to announce that it has joined the Global Impact Sourcing Coalition (GISC). The GISC is a global network of businesses creating jobs for those most in need through the power of procurement and global supply chains. It is a coalition that recognizes inclusive employment practices creating access to opportunities in disadvantaged communities and regions.

Impact Sourcing is a business practice whereby companies prioritize suppliers that hire and provide career development opportunities to people who otherwise have limited prospects for formal employment, such as those who were previously long-term unemployed or living under the national poverty line. “The GISC envisions a world in which all people have the opportunity to obtain productive employment and decent work,” says Sara Enright, Project Director of the GISC, “We are excited to welcome KM² to the GISC and commend their efforts to advance inclusive employment opportunities across the Americas.” Through participating in GISC, KM2 Solutions will promote and advance wide-scale adoption of Impact Sourcing while sharing its own best practices with coalition members.

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