CHICAGO, IL - TransUnion (TRU) and Ontario Systems announced today a new collaboration to provide collection agencies with TransUnion’s new CreditVision® recovery model. The model will integrate with Ontario Systems’ technology and allow collection agencies and debt buyers to increase recovered dollars by up to 9%.
Previously, Ontario Systems and TransUnion customers used traditional recovery scores and credit reports to prioritize collection amounts. Now, Ontario Systems’ customers can access the CreditVision recovery model, which incorporates historical information on each loan and actual payment amounts. Collection agencies and other accounts receivable managers can use the models to better identify payment patterns and increase their average recovery rate.
“While traditional models allow collectors to prioritize accounts, the credit environment has changed and consumers are using credit differently,” said Peter Ghiselli, vice president at TransUnion. “The new CreditVision model is built on newer, fresher consumer behavior and will help Ontario Systems’ customers identify an average of 3% more payers.”
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