Dynamic Recovery Solutions Collect for a Cause

The debt collectors at Dynamic Recovery Solutions (DRS) in Greenville, S.C. hosted “Feed the Hungry”, a canned food drive, in hopes of fighting hunger in the Upstate. The collectors of DRS wanted to help their local neighbors in need as well as show their philanthropic side. Perhaps this will contribute to improving the public image of the collection industry in South Carolina.

Hannah Cleveland, who works in the Human Resources Department of DRS, organized the event. “This was the first function of this sort we have ever hosted. I was so glad to see each employee donating to such a good cause,” Cleveland remarked.

The canned food drive began on November 4 and ran through November 22nd. All items were donated to Loaves and Fishes of Greenville.

Lisa Hemond, Operations Coordinator for Loaves and Fishes, commented, “DRS’s canned food drive was the most successful one so far this season.  We delivered all 1,900 pounds of food to an emergency food pantry that called earlier in the week in desperate need.”

Each DRS employee did their part. As a whole the staff feels that the canned food drive was a way to help the less fortunate enjoy the holiday season.

Food donated by DRS collectors getting loaded into a truck