StarTek Launches StarTek Intelligent Enterprise for the Financial and Healthcare Industries

StarTek, Inc., a leading provider of Business Process Outsourcing and Optimization (BPO) services for outsourced customer interactions, today unveiled StarTek Intelligent Enterprise — its first, comprehensive suite of complex process management services for the financial and healthcare industries. For the first time, financial and healthcare industries will have access to StarTek’s custom business services program to gain visibility and control for Compliance, improve customer service, and achieve greater agility in ever increasingly competitive industries. These services are positioned to fundamentally transform the pace and process of business process outsourcing.

“As financial services and healthcare organizations try to overcome increased cost pressures, compliance and regulations, many firms understand that business process outsourcing can help,” says John Van Decker, senior vice president and principal research fellow, Robert Frances Group. “Many firms are questioning the business advantage of maintaining excellence centers around commodity-based processes, such as accounts receivable, rather than focus on processes that provide business differentiation, such as complex process management.”

“Many financial services and healthcare organizations are currently in a position where they are reexamining their businesses and evaluating their processes with the focus on reengineer them,” said Steve Butler, CEO of StarTek. “Traditional business process definition and technology purchases can be characterized in a manner that often results in sub-optimization, which can lead to situations where multiple processes and technologies are used to perform similar functions. Increased compliance imperatives add to this scenario, which can create the perfect storm. The market is ready for StarTek to offer StarTek Intelligent Enterprise, a total solution for Compliance and business process management.”

Butler said: “StarTek Intelligent Enterprise is a natural evolution of StarTek’s current Complex Process Management service, which we’ve provided for a major telecommunications client for the past six years. For that client, StarTek has cut operating costs up to 35% while improving productivity and reducing order cycle times up to 43%.”

According to Butler, StarTek is combining its past experience delivering multiple custom outsourcing process disciplines with its resources in the financial and healthcare services industries in the StarTek Intelligent Enterprise service.

Butler added that this service will be positioned as a bundled solution consisting of consulting services, back-end infrastructure, and future web-based applications to truly simplify complex and expensive processes throughout the enterprise.

The StarTek Intelligent Enterprise suite of services includes complex process management services such as:

  • Telecom support with data collection, order issuance, order management, service activation, and billing verification
  • Credit card processing services for both healthcare and financial clients
  • Robust Accounts Receivable services and technology
  • Data Image / Capture for financial services’ Check 21 processing
  • Document storage and retrieval services as healthcare moves to a digital environment with electronic medical records (EMRs)
  • Customer loyalty programs for financial clients who want to increase efficiency and build revenue.