Ontario Systems Grows as Consumer Debt Rises

When software maker Ontario Systems counts reasons for why it’s been able to overcome the recent technology-sector slump, it’ll look to its management and its products. But it can just as well give credit to a sputtering economy and the increase of consumer debt. A lot of it.

The more people go into debt to credit card companies, banks and hospitals, the more software Ontario sells to help those companies collect that debt. According to industry experts, the top 10 players in the third-party collections industry – the group quickly adopting Ontario’s products – had 2000 revenue of about $2.5 billion, up from $910 million in 1995. And that growth is feeding Muncie-based Ontario Systems.

Ontario’s continued success amid massive fallout in the technology sector appears to be the result of good oldfashioned supply and demand. Companies actually need Ontario’s products to make their businesses more efficient and more profitable, a rarity in the modem market.

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