I.C. System Develops and Launches ICE (Intelligent Collections Engine)

St. Paul, MN  – I.C. System, one of America’s largest privately owned accounts receivable management firms, announced it has developed a state-of-the-art collections system: ICE™ (Intelligent Collections Engine).  The company’s 800 collectors and client service teams are utilizing ICE™ to recover and manage consumer and commercial accounts for clients in nearly every industry.

Ken Rapp, I.C. System’s President, says ICE™ features the very best aspects of numerous systems the company had used and leverages I.C. System’s seven-plus decades of experience.  “Our many programmers and developers truly built a one-of-a-kind collections system that’s unmatched in the marketplace,” Rapp said.  “ICE™ has more than exceeded our core requirements…that it be user-friendly, require very little training and ramp-up time, be scalable, easily interface with accounting and CRM software, and provide unprecedented analytic capabilities.”

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