PR – Tips for Small Businesses in Getting Paid in Worsening Economy

Free advice for business owners concerned about their customers’ ability to pay bills on time is published today at Ryon Gambill, an expert who helps businesses get paid on time, has put together tips designed to help companies and entrepreneurs ensure timely payment of invoices due and minimize their collection problems.

“The most important aspect of getting paid on time is being clear about what work was done, how much should be paid, and by when. It’s surprising how many smaller companies don’t have this process adequately defined,” says Gambill, a collections professional and founder of the company that developed Bill Collector In A Box, software that helps entrepreneurs and business owners collect money they are owed. “When a company runs into problems, it’s those creditors who can prove that the work was ordered, performed to specification, and invoiced according to agreed procedures who will be paid first.”

Chasing down a debtor who is overdue in settling a past-due invoice can be a frustrating and time-consuming part of running a small or medium-size business. What many business owners do not realize is that timely invoicing and follow-up means fewer collection problems.

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