Risk Experts to Offer Timely Solutions at FCIB Annual Export Credit & Trade Finance Summit

UNITED KINGDOM – To adapt to changing global market dynamics and prepare for inevitable but often unforeseen failures, FCIB—the premier Association of Executives in Finance, Credit and International Business, invites international credit and trade finance professionals to register for the Annual Export Credit & Trade Finance Summit from May 17-19th at the Princesa Sofia Hotel, Barcelona Spain.

Organised by FCIB and sponsored by distinguished businesses such as Aon Trade Commercial Insurance and WebApp Technology, the conference’s select line-up of finance and credit experts will address current challenges, trends and opportunities, giving companies across all industries the “coping mechanisms” to effectively deal with the challenges and risks involved in today’s global business.

A “not to be missed” keynote presentation, titled The New Global Marketplace – a World of Change, will be delivered by FCIB’s world economy expert Dr. Belcsák who holds a doctorate in Jurisprudence and Political Economics, is publisher of ‘Intelligence Briefings’ for corporate CEOs and remains a much sought-after keynote speaker worldwide.

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