Six in Ten Americans Think Identity Theft Unlikely to Happen to Them

SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA – TrueCredit — a leading provider of consumer credit management services — recently surveyed consumers about the fast-growing crime of identity theft. Sixty-three percent replied that they thought it was unlikely they would be victims of identity theft in the next year, while only 35 percent viewed the threat as real.

The survey, conducted by Roper Public Affairs, also discovered 45 percent of respondents thought they would need to spend at least 50 hours or more to resolve the problems resulting from an incident of identity theft. According to the Federal Trade Commission, the average is 30 hours for all forms of identity theft and 60 hours for serious fraud, such as new accounts.

“Consumers understand the dangers of identity theft and the difficulties it can cause,” said John Danaher, President of TrueCredit. “But they don’t seem to realize that they might be at risk. Vigilance is essential.

“Despite heightened awareness about identity theft in general, consumers need to educate themselves about the specifics,” added Danaher. “Consumers should be aware of the different types of theft that are occurring, including new trends such as pharming and international skimming. And they should know that checking their credit report is a great way to catch problems early and limit their impact.”

To help consumers keep an eye on their credit, TrueCredit is introducing 3-Bureau Credit Monitoring. For the first time, consumers have unlimited access to their 3-in-1 Credit Reports (including TransUnion, Equifax and Experian data) and Credit Scores for a low monthly fee of $9.95. The service also provides Daily Credit Alerts that notify consumers of changes to all three credit reports and $25,000 in identity theft insurance with no deductible. For more information, please visit

TrueCredit’s mission is to help consumers understand and manage their credit. Through online educational materials, free monthly newsletters and easy-to-use credit products, TrueCredit educates consumers about credit management and empowers them to improve their borrowing habits. To learn more, please visit or contact Zachary Hastings Hooper, 202.777.2255 or

Roper Public Affairs conducted this study using Random Digit Dialing (RDD) methodology from July 15 to July 17, 2005. A total of 1,004 interviews were conducted among adults across America. Age, gender, income and geographic information was collected. The margin of error for the complete sample is +/- 3 percentage points. The margin of error for subgroups may be higher.

TrueCredit has been a leading provider of credit management services since 1995. Dedicated to its “Manage your credit. Manage your life.” brand promise, TrueCredit helps millions of consumers protect and improve their credit through a suite of secure and easy-to-use products. Named “Best of the Web” by Online Banking Report for its identity protection program, TrueCredit’s online products include credit reports and credit scores, as well as debt management and identity theft insurance services. A wholly owned subsidiary of TransUnion, TrueCredit is located in San Luis Obispo, CA.