FHM Mortgage Group Announces Partner Program with Collection Agencies

With the sub-prime mortgage crisis squeezing homeowners across the nation, FHM Mortgage Group, LLC, a full-service mortgage broker headquartered in Parsippany, New Jersey, is partnering with collection agencies to help overextended homeowners resolve their past-due debts.

“Professional collectors know that most overextended homeowners want to pay off their delinquent bills, but often don’t know how to go about raising the necessary funds,” says FHM President Nick Mastrandrea. “This is FHM’s area of expertise. We work with dozens of lenders who, even in the midst of the current credit crunch, are willing to help financially strapped homeowners secure new mortgages that can help them pay their bills, repair their credit profile and get back on their feet financially.”

Mastrandrea, a 20-year veteran of the mortgage lending industry, founded FHM in 2007 to help borrowers with below-average credit scores. The company is already licensed to operate in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Florida, Connecticut, Michigan, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Delaware, and is applying for licensing in additional states. “Our goal is to be licensed nationally by the end of 2008,” Mastrandrea says.

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