Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes: What Does a Horse Have to Do With Process Serving?

Joel Rosenthal,
JJL Process Corp.

About a year ago I had the opportunity to speak about process serving at an industry legal conference.  The first slide in my deck was a drawing of a horse.  I asked the audience how many used a process server who delivers documents by horse.  Of course no one raised their hand.  My next slide was a picture of a smart phone and I asked how many use a process server who has smart phone field technology deployed.  A few hands went up but not more than 10-15% of the room.

I explained that the smart phone and associated web browser technology were the first wave of new technology in process serving in nearly a century when Scott Levine (president of JJL Process) introduced them several years ago.  The first since the automobile replaced the horse as the primarily method of transportation for process servers.  I commented that five years from now, 95% of the law firms in the room will be using a process server who has smart phone and web browser technology.

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