Consumer Protection Institute Announces New Web-based Solution

Consumer Protection Institute (CPI) announces DebtResponse™ – its new web-based solution that educates and protects consumers in debt collection.

DebtResponse™ fills the communication gap between consumers and third-party debt collectors by enabling rapid and reliable stop-contact or dispute responses at low-cost; and is guaranteed.

DebtResponse™ removes the embarrassment, confusion, paralysis and confrontations associated with responding to debt collectors–whether demanding they stop contact or challenging collector claims. Consumers simply complete the intuitive online form and CPI’s unique technology generates “smart”, rules-based responses. CPI even delivers the documents.

Disputing collector claims enables consumers to professionally resolve problems often leading to repayment plans.

Stopping collector contact provides time to think and plan without the daily stress associated without aggressive calling campaigns.

“DebtResponse is a timely answer to a growing need, and is aligned with President Obama’s plans to improve the United States’ credit card industry and the financial health of our citizens. Educational webcasts; an informative blog; and expansion to Canada, the United Kingdom, Spain and Brazil are in the planning stages.” stated Steven Sussman, President of CPI.

Founded in 2008, Consumer Protection Institute is the leader in web-based response solutions for debt-stressed consumers.

Please contact me regarding any questions you may have, sign-up for our newsletter or webcasts, or schedule an interview or demonstration.

PS. We are offering pro bono services to not-for-profit organizations, discount programs for seniors and displaced auto workers, and a community give-back program. This is detailed in our website. You may also be interested in the results of our upcoming consumer survey.