Akcelerant Software LLC announces the general release of the Akcelerant Productivity Framework, a powerful workflow, queuing and analysis engine designed to support collections, lending/member service, marketing and executive analysis, through current and upcoming Akcelerant products, CollectAnywhere™, ServiceAnywhere, MarketAnywhere and AnalyzeAnywhere.
The Productivity Framework builds upon the unique functionality originally created for CollectAnywhere, and increases that functionality allowing its use across multiple departments in an organization.
?This new release puts Akcelerant on the map as not only an industry leader in business automation for collections, but now a serious contender for the same industry leading status in organization-wide process automation for business unit managers. We are not looking to necessarily replace investments in enterprise data warehousing, or CRM strategies, but rather compliment them. We have an extremely flexible engine that is geared for departments to build an environment for them to live in daily, and automate their manual processes or implement new best practices. Doing so may involve integration to an existing data warehouse or CRM system, and that?s what the Productivity Framework is built to do. We already have interfaces in place with the leaders in the host data processing market, and we are releasing an API later this year to make other system integration easy through the use of XML and Web Services,? comments Eric Snyder SVP Sales and Marketing at Akcelerant.
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