Kennesaw, Ga.-based MicroBilt, the single source and industry leader for risk management information, yesterday announced the integration of driving record data from First Advantage ADR, a leading provider of national driving record data, into the application.
First Advantage ADR will provide motor vehicle record (MVR) data to in a standardized format with custom integration for packaging with other data, such as credit reporting and criminal reporting. The addition of driving record data is a robust enhancement to as its customers will now be able to benefit from instant MVR results with national coverage, as well as new fields that support the underwriting and screening needs for staffing agencies, home delivery service companies, insurance agencies, insurance carriers and others.
Commenting on the partnership, Walt Wojciechowski, Microbilt’s chief executive officer, said, "We are pleased to be able to bring First Advantage ADR’s experience and expertise in driving record data directly to our customers, many of whom will greatly benefit from the addition of this insightful data."
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