The National List of Attorneys Announces

The National List of Attorneys, an organization that has provided quality legal representation to the credit and collection industry nationwide since 1900, is proud to announce the launch of the premier online directory of experienced creditors’ rights and FDCPA defense attorneys nationwide.

The world of collections is getting more and more challenging. With the rising number of FDCPA (Fair Debt Collection Practices Act) and FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Act) lawsuits surfacing, the need for experienced attorneys that focus their practice on creditors’ rights and FDCPA defense is evident now more than ever. Nationwide, there are roughly 800 suits filed against debt collectors each month, this is a record number that is increasing. was established to address the growing need for experienced creditors’ rights attorneys. The site boasts over 65 listings of creditors’ rights firms nationwide with more being added weekly.  lists attorneys that are experienced and want to put that knowledge to work for your company. The attorneys you will find here concentrate in creditors’ rights, commercial litigation, FDCPA Defense, FCRA defense, Truth in lending act and/or class action defense. They are experienced in FDCPA, other collection laws and litigation.  They can represent your company in bankruptcy proceedings and provide compliance counseling in collections matters.

For more information please contact Rose Heeb at (800) 227-1675 ext 108 or



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