LiveVox Launches Real Time Promise-to-Pay Tracking for Collectors

SAN FRANCISCO — LiveVox Inc., the leading provider of hosted-dialer solutions, today announced that the latest free upgrade of its product gives users the ability to track promises to pay in real time, arming its customers with the ability to determine in real time the ROI on any given campaign.  

With this release, LiveVox now delivers all meaningful campaign cost, efficiency, agent productivity and ROI metrics from a single dashboard. Promise to pay metrics have increasingly become a strong gauge of campaign success because agencies no longer must wait for consumers to mail payments. Electronic payments allow payment promises to more quickly translate into revenue.

“Today, most payments are handled through ACH, check-by-phone and credit cards, and are as close as you can get real-time visibility into total dollars collected,” said John McNamara, Chief Marketing Officer of LiveVox. “With LiveVox, organizations have the data needed to rapidly adjust campaign strategies to survive a tough collection environment. Collections may include a big river of activity, but the real stream to focus on is Contact to RPC to Promise. That’s where the real action happens.”  

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