Americans who may have never heard of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) before may have learned about it last night.

The American Action Network (AAN), an advocacy group, launched a $500,000 ad campaign that ran throughout the evening on Fox Business, the host of the fourth GOP Primary debate. Additionally, the ad campaign aired during the post-debate commentary on Fox News Channel. The ad will also be online the next four weeks along with the launch of

You can watch the ad here:

According to the AAN press release announcing the ads: “In addition to raising national awareness, this ad campaign calls on Congress to stop the CFPB’s flagrant overreach into the finances of Americans.” The ad features both Senator Elizabeth Warren, an early advocate for creation of the CFPB, and current CFPB director Richard Cordray on red party banners and visualizes the consequences of CFPB’s reckless regulations issued under the guise of protecting consumers. It is difficult to miss the Kremlin imagery in the ad.

“It’s time to start a national conversation about the 500 major regulations issued under this administration, especially through the unaccountable CFPB,” said AAN President Mike Shields. “Elizabeth Warren’s CFPB is unilaterally handing down regulations that ultimately hurt the people they claim to be helping, particularly middle- and lower-income Americans trying to get ahead in a terrible economy. We want voters to know the truth about this rogue agency and to call on national leaders and Congress to stop the CFPB.”

According to the AAN website the group’s mission is:  To promote center-right solutions to our nation’s challenges. The press release further elaborates: ”AAN is a 501(c)(4) ‘action tank’ that creates, encourages and promotes center-right policies based on the principles of freedom, limited government, American exceptionalism, and strong national security. The American Action Network’s primary goal is to put our center-right ideas into action by engaging the hearts and minds of the American people and spurring them into action to advance our center-right policy agenda.”

insideARM Perspective

insideARM typically tries to provide a perspective for the ARM industry with new items such as this. However, in this instance, there is no insideARM perspective to provide. The ad speaks for itself.

Next Article: Does the 9th Edition of the CFPB'S ...
