today announces the launch of the latest portal page designed to help the ARM industry navigate the current legal and regulatory environment: Collection Complaints Resources.

With debt collection agencies and other ARM firms now required to actively respond to each consumer complaint sent from the CFPB, we felt that a page dedicated to debt collection complaints was sorely needed.

The Complaints page joins recently-launched resource pages on the CFPB, FDCPA, TCPA, and State Licensing on

The Collection Complaints Resources area features a live feed of the CFPB’s debt collection complaints database. The feed will update in real time with the most recently published CFPB complaints. We feel that having an industry-specific feed of complaints provides a great benchmark for companies working through their own complaints handling process.

There are also many other resources that will prove to be very helpful to collection agencies just beginning the process. There is official guidance from the CFPB on its company complaints portal, documentation on response techniques, background on complaints publication criteria, and much more.

The Collection Complaints Resources area is being generously underwritten by Mined Systems, a compliance management technology and process provider. Any content we produce on collection complaints will bear the following stamp linking directly to the section:

Next Article: FTC Reports 200,000 Debt Collection Complaints in ...
