By Mark Schlueb, The Orlando Sentinel

Orlando mayoral candidate Edward M. Lopes faces several lawsuits over his business dealings by companies that say he cheated them, records show.

The candidate also has accumulated court judgments totaling more than $100,000 that were entered after he failed to respond to two other lawsuits, according to court records.

Five lawsuits have been filed in Orlando against Lopes or his debt-collection agency, LV Financial, in the past nine months, including one from a bank that says it is owed more than $450,000.

Lopes’ attorney said his client never tried to defraud anyone and the troubles stem from a business deal that went sour.

“Ed took it on the chin,” attorney Richard Douglas Sierra said. “It put LV out of business, but Ed is going to do his best to get them their money back.”

For this complete story, please visit Lawsuits accuse candidate.

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