MINNEAPOLIS – The International Association of Commercial Collectors will hold its 16th annual Strategic Management Conference in Dallas, July 14, at the Hyatt Regency Dallas at Reunion.

The daylong conference features informative sessions for commercial collection agency executives. The keynote address will be presented by Dr. Robert DeGroot, president of Sales Training International, The Woodlands, Texas. Titled ?The Hunt,? the presentation will focus on the search for prospective clients and the most effective ways to get your message in front of decision-makers.

Presentation formats that allow for audience discussion and the sharing of ideas among industry leaders have been popular features at previous Strategic Management Conferences, serving as a forum for innovative and applicable solutions to current challenges in the collection industry.

This year a roundtable discussion on ?Maintaining Client Relations in the Electronic Age? will be moderated by Richard Brownlee, general manager of Central Mercantile Collection Services, Minneapolis. The afternoon discussion, ?Managing a Commercial Portfolio,? will give attendees the opportunity to ask questions of an expert panel.

Registration deadline for the conference is June 14. Fees are $280 for members of IACC and $425 for non-members. To download the registration form online, visit the IACC Web site at http://www.commercialcollector.com/StaticContent/1/Meeting/strategicregform.pdf.

With 215 collection agency members and 142 attorney members, The International Association of Commercial Collectors Inc. (IACC) is the world?s largest international trade association for commercial debt collection professionals. Headquartered in Minneapolis, IACC serves members throughout the United States and in 24 other countries worldwide. Members of IACC recover millions of dollars annually for their clients and provide valuable assistance to credit departments in controlling mounting debts. To learn more, visit the IACC Web site at www.commercialcollector.com.

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