RevQ, a software and consulting company providing technology for revenue recovery to the government sector, today announced the launch of Revenue Results 2.5, the latest version of its debt collection software engineered specifically for courts, taxation and other government entities.

The newest version features powerful enhancements, including:

  • Database Improvements to electronically import Conversion Accounts, New Accounts and Payments from other systems up to 10 times faster

  • Multiple Payment Plans Per Debtor to create one payment plan for each debt a debtor owes, especially for those defendants with multiple court orders requiring a payment plan

  • Auto Adjustments to automatically add or subtract amounts to/from accounts, based on pre-defined rules

  • Daily Balance Report that totals the number and balance of the accounts added, adjusted or cancelled at any time

“Revenue Results 2.5 boasts new functionalities, scalability and reporting capabilities that will further empower the courts and other government entities to efficiently organize and optimize their efforts to enforce and collect the monies that are owed to them,” said Craig Nielson, vice president of sales and marketing, RevQ.

Revenue Results is designed to automate the many manual and monotonous tasks in the debt collection lifecycle to increase productivity and reduce unnecessary time spent on tracking, management and follow-up. Revenue Results is available as a standalone installation or as an ASP model accessed through the Internet. The software offers government users the ability to streamline account entry, due diligence tracking of accounts, matching like debtors, automated correspondence, payment plan setup, work list capability, graphical reporting and more.

About RevQ
RevQ, Inc. is part of the Columbia Ultimate family of companies, providing industry leading software solutions and consulting services to improve collections success in multiple delinquent receivables markets. Leveraging the best of collections tools, techniques and technologies, the RevQ staff provides over 90 years of collective government experience and unsurpassed expertise focused on delivering compliance improvement and revenue results critical to today’s Courts, Taxation and other public sector entities.

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