MONTVILLE, NJ ? YouveGotClaims successfully completed a smooth and seamless transition to its new remote DataCenter, which will provide more robust security, faster Internet communications and protect against large-scale regional power or communications failures.

“We have tightened security for data being processed over the Internet to our DataCenter,” said John Meehan, Chief Operating Officer of YouveGotClaims. “Our firewalls in the DataCenter are among the most stringent. Our servers are constantly monitored by video cameras and by other computers. They are located in the most secure facility with steel cabinets, fire suppression systems and of course, it is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year,” he added.

YouveGotClaims new DataCenter has automatic balancing of multiple web servers so users will experience even faster communication speed than they enjoy now. There are several paths via the Internet to the YouveGotClaims servers resulting in faster response time.

With additional independent power sources as well as having two synchronized server locations in different regions of the country, YouveGotClaims users are unlikely to experience downtime in the case of power grid failures.

This new remote DataCenter clearly places YouveGotClaims at the forefront of companies providing electronic data interchange and data hosting for the credit industry. Just as YouveGotClaims is the standard for EDI in claims processing, it has now set the standard for protection of its users.

YouveGotClaims makes it easy to send or receive information about an unlimited number of accounts at one time to any number of different recipients. YouveGotClaims provides a secure way for users to monitor the accounts, payments, and success of collection efforts. Charges are based on a flat fee for the life of the claim and there are no upfront costs!

YouveGotClaims has developed the nation’s leading standard in the credit and collections industry for electronically exchanging accounts.

Attorneys, collection agencies, credit grantors, debt buyers and debt sellers regularly use the YouveGotClaims DataStandard and Virtual Postoffice™. The YouveGotClaims DataStandard is available at no cost in the public domain from the YouveGotClaims web site (

Next Article: IRS Panel Discusses Private Debt Collection Program
