Debt Sales Partners today announced general availability of its portfolio stratification tool dspSTRAT.

A debt buyer evaluating a portfolio for purchase can now leverage over $3 million in technology by requesting a dspSTRAT for their portfolio from Debt Sales Partners. A debt seller contemplating a sale can have a summary of their portfolio including Seller Survey template quickly produced.

The dspSTRAT allows the buyer to quickly and efficiently evaluate critical portfolio attributes such as the balance range, charge-off dates and last payment dates. In addition to breaking the portfolio down by accounts within a particular State, dspSTRAT returns which accounts are within the statute of limitations for legal suit accounting for specific individual State statutes. All of this plus creditor breakdown, aging summary and objective summary is provided in a portable electronic spreadsheet that can be manipulated with pricing models to help in the evaluation of a portfolio.

A sample dspSTRAT is available online at and included with each Debt Sales Partners portfolio notification to the company’s buyer and seller community. Please contact Debt Sales Partners for pricing plans and further details.

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