Debt Resolve, Inc., which offers online tools for collecting and settling consumer debt, announced today that, with the release of Version 3.0 of its online collection system, it now supports multiple languages and currencies.

According to Richard Rosa, Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, “DebtResolve now can provide its solution in any language and currency. We’re very excited about this new capability, which allows our clients to present customer screens in Spanish, English or any other language. With this enhancement we now offer our products internationally.”

In addition, the new release has expanded the functionality of the DebtResolve solution by adding the following:

  • New DR-Admin™ features including enhanced client reporting with daily snapshots of customer activity that can be viewed online or emailed automatically.
  • New DR-Prevent™ capabilities with improved dispute capture that provides identity theft reporting, and additional ?early-out? treatments including promise to pay, change of terms, payment hiatus and interest waiver requests.
  • New live online chat capabilities for customer service which will assist in site navigation and usage.
  • New DR-Pay™ support for offline payments which allows a debtor to print a client-branded, pre-bar-coded payment coupons for easier processing.

Debt Resolve is exhibiting at BOOTH 707 at the Credit Card Collections Conference in Orlando, October 16 – 18.

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