Indiana Attorney General Steve Carter has launched a new website as one more way to educate the public about a banking group’s attempt to have the federal government overrideIndiana’s No-Call law. provides the public with information about the Consumer Bankers Association (CBA) petition before the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and provides information for Hoosiers to contact the member banks in their area.

“If these banks are successful in weakening our law, people will start receiving hundreds of telemarketing calls in a year,” Attorney General Steve Carter said. “Nearly three and a half million people have enjoyed the silence from sales calls that the law brings to them and if successful, this petition would ruin that peace and quiet.”

Information located on the website provides information about the petition, the member banks of the Consumer Bankers Association (CBA) and how to contact local branches of the banks. Carter is asking people to contact these banks and tell them to drop their petition with the FCC.

For this complete story, please visit State Attorney General Fights Against Banks to Save Do-Not-Call List.

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