BUFFALO GROVE, IL – An International Profit Associates Small Business Research Board (IPA SBRB) study released today indicates owners of small businesses are solidly predicting the re-election of President George W. Bush will lead to improvements in the economy in 2005.

The nationwide IPA SBRB poll of small business owners concluded that they were active participants in 2004 Presidential elections, with the great majority voicing their opinions with their vote. The IPA SBRB study found that 91% of the respondents voted on November 2.

While the study did not ask who the small business owners voted for, the IPA SBRB poll clearly illustrates support for President Bush and optimism for an improved economy next year.

The study shows that 67% of those responding said the re-election of the president will have a positive impact on the 2005 economy. Only 13% said there would be no effect while 16% said there would be a negative impact and 4% had no opinion.

In addition, the survey indicated that there is approval for the general direction in which the country is headed, 68% said they were optimistic, 28% were pessimistic and 4% had no opinion.

By contrast, controlling healthcare costs continues to be a concern. In a previous, IPA SBRB poll in September, healthcare costs were considered second only to the general economy as a major concern for small business and their single most rapidly increasing expense. In this current study, only 36% of small business owners felt that President Bush’s election would have a positive effect on controlling healthcare costs, 31% said it would have no effect, 23% indicated it would have a negative effect and 10% had no opinion.

“While it is clear the survey shows optimism about President Bush’s second term and his ability to deal with the economy and polices relating to small business, it is plainly evident that the president can greatly help small businesses by proposing policies that control their healthcare costs.” said Gregg M. Steinberg, President of International Profit Associates, sponsors of the IPA SBRB.

Regarding President Bush’s re-election and federal policies on small business, 67% said it would have a positive effect while 16% said it would be negative, 12% said it would have no effect and 5% had no opinion.

This paralleled small business owner’s impression that President Bush’s re-election would also have a healthy impact on policies in the states in which they are located with 64% saying it would be positive, 21% saying it would negative, 13% saying it would have no effect and 2% with no opinion.

The International Profit Associates Small Business Research Board has been created to determine the opinions of small business owners and managers on a wide variety of topics related to their own business as well as national and international issues that may impact their operations.

Participants in the poll provide feedback on significant issues and allow for real-time insight into the state of small businesses nationwide. The universe of participants is developed from among small businesses across the United States. More than 175 small businesses owners and senior managers participated in this IPA SBRB poll. The IPA SBRB study is a voluntary survey conducted via phone, email and fax. The poll was structured and supervised through an independent resource.

The latest information about the IPA Small Business Research Board can be found at www.ipasbrb.com.

International Profit Associates, Inc. (IPA) is the largest privately-held provider of management consulting services to small and medium sized businesses in North America. IPA and its more than 1, 800 professionals offer a wide range of proven and innovative methodologies to help businesses grow and prosper regardless of the economic cycle. IPA either provides directly or through its affiliated companies a comprehensive array of business advisory services, tax and estate planning services or merger, acquisition and other financial advisory services in the United States and Canada. More information about IPA can be found at www.ipa-iba.com.

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