Helping users maximize their technology is the focus of Ontario Systems’ Annual Educational Conference, which will be Sept. 25-28 in Indianapolis.
At the conference, Ontario Systems will reveal new functionality in the FACS version 17.0 release and discuss Ontario Systems’ next generation of software ? the Artiva family of products.
Attendees will experience hands-on training to maximize their technology use. Clients can choose from many classes to ensure they are learning information most applicable for them.
“This is a high-tech industry, and we encourage all growing organizations to continue their education to ensure they fully use all of the tools available,” said Cynthia Ammerman, Ontario Systems’ director of education services. “Most clients find the classes to be very practical in helping them make their team more productive and effective.”
The conference also provides opportunities for Ontario Systems’ clients to share ideas and successes with each other.
“Over the years, we’ve learned that some of the best training comes from clients learning from each other,” said Wil Davis, Ontario Systems’ chairman and president. “The opportunity to meet with others who face the same challenges every day is a key reason we offer the conference each year.”